ZRS Architekten Ingenieure was founded in 2003 as an integrated design and engineering partnership in Berlin. With our two firms ZRS Architekten GvA mbH and ZRS Ingenieure GmbH, we provide a large range of services including architecture, structural engineering, building certification, sustainability consultation, specialist assessments, material development and testing as well as academic work in the form of research projects and teaching.

With responsibility for more than 60% of worldwide CO2 emissions and its status as the world’s largest consumer of non-renewable energy resources, the construction industry is directly responsible for the dramatic state of our planet and it’s rapidly deteriorating climate. As designers we see it as our responsibility to minimise our societies reliance on our planet’s finite fossil resources.

In pursuit of this aim we have developed our key competency in the use of natural building materials, primarily timber, earth and bamboo. With ambitious clients and partners our projects aim to promote the innovative usage of local and renewable materials both at home and abroad.

We plan according to international standards such as ISO and EN. We have also been working for several years in the system of voluntary sustainability assessment in the building industry, such as DGNB, BNB and are a DGNB member.

We are ISO 9001 certified and work according to the quality principles of the standard.

Our activities encompass the complete spectrum of architectural services throughout all work stages (LP 1-9 HOAI and FIDIC). Using our wide ranging expertise we can develop innovative and efficient solutions for projects that use resources responsibly and address a growing worldwide awareness for the need to pursue healthy and environmentally conscious architecture. Using our large network of trusted specialist consultants and collaborators we are able to co-ordinate large projects in Germany and abroad as lead consultants.

Natural materials such as earth and timber are energy- and cost-efficient as well as fully recyclable. Moreover, when used in construction they can absorb pollution, regulate air humidity and create a superior room climate. Our low-energy timber and earth buildings, insulated with cellulose, do not require additional mechanical ventilation, thereby reducing life-cycle costs while maintaining high levels of end user comfort. Over a long period we have gathered experience using earth, timber and bamboo as building materials, helping situate us as an internationally leading office pushing the boundaries of what is possible with natural building materials. We are co-founders of the dieNACWACHSENDEstadt network, allowing us to further explore these ideas in an urban context.

Our wide ranging experience allows us to provide a full range of engineering services from design consultancy at the concept stage, through to detailed structural calculations, workshop planning and the on-site supervision of works. We take an integrated approach to planning, working together with architects and clients in the early phases of a project to find an appropriate and sustainable structural concept. The calculation of the thermal and mechanical properties of structures (building physics), fire safety and noise insulation are for us an integral part of the planning process to be considered during the early design stages. When designing building structures we draw on the entire palette of available materials giving special focus wherever appropriate to sustainable building materials such as earth, wood or bamboo.

Our comprehensive experience of planning and supervising the construction of earth building projects is regularly requested by both other architecture and design offices, as well as construction firms around the world. We can assist architectural and engineering services in all phases of a project in the capacity of a specialist planner, professional consultant or in the on-site supervision of works.

We develop concepts for the sensitive conservation and restoration of listed historic buildings and monuments in Germany and abroad. Our work is based on a respect for historic techniques and materials that allow new concepts for the use of these buildings to be developed. Our extensive experience in the Middle East has gained us international recognition for our expertise in this field and we offer conservation consultancy and design services from our branch office in Abu Dhabi. Furthermore we are members of ICOMOS and sit on the Board of Directors of the ICOMOS committee on earthen architectural heritage (ISCEAH).

Our Laboratory is specifically equipped to handle the testing of earthen materials as prescribed by DIN regulations or for other private requirements. Various manufacturers of earthen building products consult us during product development due to our expertise, experience and facilities.

Our competence within the sphere of sustainable and earthen building allows us to participate as an SME-Partner in national and international research projects. We work with international partners to develop cutting edge solutions in the field of natural and recycled building materials.

We regularly provide expert assessment of damages to buildings, particularly those made of earth. These reports can serve as a basis for developing appropriate renovation or conservation strategies. We also serve as expert witnesses for private purposes or court action.

Our expert team is led by Prof.Dr.-Ing Christof Zigert, accredited consulting engineer and surveyor of ‘damages to earth constructions’ (IHK Berlin) and contains consulting engineers and surveyors in the fields of earthern building and historic timber constructions. Additionally our laboratory is with a variety of specialised equipment allowing us to undertake advanced analysis of field samples.

Seit der Gründung verfolgt das Büro einen forschenden Ansatz, bei dem Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen zusammen wirken. Über experimentelle Projekte haben wir die Möglichkeit genutzt, innovative Konstruktionen zu entwickeln und in der Praxis zu testen. Dabei ging es immer darum, Gewohntes zu hinterfragen und nachhaltige Lösungen zu entwickeln, die den Nutzer*innen dienen. Über unsere nationalen und internationalen Forschungsvorhaben wurde dieses Experimentieren auf ein wissenschaftliches Fundament gehoben. Die Forschungsprojekte geben uns die Möglichkeit, drängende Themen der Zeit, wie Kreislaufwirtschaft, Ressourceneffizienz oder die Low-Tech-Bauweise, auszuloten und voran zu bringen und die dringend benötigte Bauwende im Bausektor voran zu treiben.

We are trained energy consultants for both residential and public buildings with a KfW certification as on-site consultants. As accredited auditors we are able to provide sustainability consultation and certification under a number of recognised systems. We provide life cycle assessments for our projects and aim to develop material concepts based on re-use and longevity.

Fire protection certificates and fire protection concepts are required as part of the approval planning as a construction document. We develop and elaborate object-specific fire protection concepts, provide advice in the implementation planning and, due to our experience in the object supervision of building construction, also offer special fire protection technical construction and object supervision.

Especially through our core competence in building with natural building materials, such as wood and clay, as well as our realized timber construction projects, we apply our knowledge for fire protection in timber construction.

Quality management

We demand highest requirements for the quality of our services. Therefor we did implement a quality management (ISO 9001:2015) into our company structure and processes. The maintenance and refinement of our quality management is audited annually by TÜV Rheinland.


Company policy of ZRS Architekten Ingenieure

Our quality policy is the foundation of our actions. The way of our office development is determined by it and functions as a base for our quality management.

Custumer focus: As a customer oriented Service Company we process our projects with and for our customer to archive maximum comforts. Not only we like to create customer oriented solutions, that are able to be inbound into planning phases, but also we value the ongoing exchange with our customer over the long period of project realizations. Due to this procedure we reach a high contentment with our customer and look forward to future collaborations.

Ecological service offer: Meaningful for our future oriented constructive form is the usage of natural building materials, the reduction of energy consumption, low aid of Technik (welche Technik? maschinelle oder händische) and a building lifecycle. Essential for these realizations are local and regenerative materials like timber, clay and bamboo.

Future oriented mentality: To bring our comprehension of sustainable development closer to our customer and other involved and interested parties, we research, develop and test new solutions. Thus creating also our own solutions, we gain the opportunity to incorporate them into our designs which add an extra status to it, as well as accompany and supervise them after a finished project.

Sustainable office It is an ambition of our office to be responsible with the usage of resources. For that reason and for the point of ecological aspects we enhanced our office rooms with clay. Further we choose contractors and suppliers, which also have a sustainable policy. For example we are client of the GLS Bank, an ecological financial institute and we use green electricity from natural power. In addition we like to become a paperless office.

Integrative planning and realization: We think through, discuss and realize building projects in a public discourse with the society and experts. A close collaboration, exchange and communication with different actors and cultures provide us a wide knowledge and a capability of working out contextual solutions and products.

Managing Director ZRS Architekten


Professor for Constructive Design and Climate Adaptive Architecture, Natural Building Lab, Technische Universität Berlin

DGNB Auditor, Energy Consultant (BAFA and DENA)

Member Architektenkammer Berlin

Member BDA Berlin


Managing Director and Project Management ZRS Architekten


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Project Architect


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Managing Director and Project Management ZRS Architekten


Expert for preventive fire protection (Eipos)

Specialist in fire prevention for construction and object supervision (Eipos)

Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Project Architect


DGNB Consultant

Coordinator Sustainable Building | BNB

Energy efficiency expert for residential buildings


Project Management


Energy efficiency expert for residential and non-residential buildings


Managing Director and Research Project Management ZRS Architekten


Professor for Construction and Design, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Professor for Circular Construction, FHNW Basel | Muttenz

Member Architektenkammer Berlin

Member BDA Berlin


Managing Director and Project Leader ZRS Architekten


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Project Architect


Expert for preventive fire protection (Eipos)


Managing Director and Project Leader ZRS Architekten


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Project Architect


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Project Leader


Member Architektenkammer Berlin


Managing Director ZRS Ingenieure


Qualified structural engineer – Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer


Managing Director & Professional Management: Earth Building, Assessment, Laboratory, Research ZRS Ingenieure


Chairman of the standards commitee Earth Building NA 005-06-08 AA at the German Institute for Standardization | Author of all draft standards discussed in the standards commitee Earth Building | IHK-Berlin accredited consulting engineer and surveyer of damages to earth constructions | Member of the expert committee for Masonry at the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) | Board member of the Dachverband Lehm e.V. (2003–2023) | Consulting Engineer at the Berlin Building Chamber (Baukammer Berlin) | Expert Member of ISCEAH (International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage) | Member of ICOMOS-Germany | Specialist author


Structural Engineering


Expert for damages to buildings (Eipos) | Authorised structural engineer – Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer | Certified Earth Building Specialist


Laboratory, Research, Assessment



Structural Engineering, Laboratory


Expert for Wood Preservation (Eipos)


Structural Engineering





Proof of expertise: wood preservation in construction | BIM Coordinator


Structural Engineering


Expert for Wood Preservation (Eipos)


Structural Engineering


Expert for Wood Preservation (Eipos)


Trainee Draughtswoman



Structural Engineering, Laboratory, Research, Assessment


Certified Earth Building Specialist


Labaroty, Research, Assessment


Conservator, Certified Earth Building Specialist


Structural Engineering



Structural Engineering



Structural Engineering


Member Berlin Building Chamber


Structural Engineering


Structural Engineer in the preservation of historical monuments (Probstei Johannesberg)


Structural Engineering



Structural Engineering, Acoustic Planning, Structural investigation


Qualified planner for maintenance of concrete components


Structural Engineering, CAD



Structural Engineering


Structural Engineer in the preservation of historical monuments (Probstei Johannesberg)


Structural Engineering



Structural Engineering



Laboratory, Assessment




Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty VI Institute of Architecture

Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA

since 2017

In 2017 Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge was appointed to the Chair of Constructive Design ands Climate Adaptive Architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin. He and his team are setting up the Natural Building Lab (NBL) there.

The NBL accompanies students on their learning journey in times of societal upheaval, enables them to work in dialog with inter- and transdisciplinery teams, introduces them to academic working techniques and welcomes them as part of a like-minded international network.

NBL is in a metaphorical and literal sense a workshop, in which learners and teachers in teams undertake hands-on research, teaching and practice on the border between theory, practice and handwork on the most varying scales all the way up to 1:1.


Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Institute for Sustainability and Energy in Construction (INEB)

Prof. Andrea Klinge Dipl.-Ing. Architektin BDA

since 2022

The Institute for Sustainability and Energy in Construction INEB is committed to resilient, energy-efficient and sustainable construction methods that lead to liveable buildings, neighbourhoods and cities and thus create significant added value for residents.

The focus is on resource-efficient construction methods: renewable energy should be used with efficient and intelligent technology, with the networking of buildings and infrastructures playing an increasingly important role. Aspects of sustainability and durability must also be taken into account when selecting building materials and constructions. Together with other stakeholders, the institute is making an important contribution to the climate transition and is actively involved in the circular economy.

The sustainable and integrated planning and realisation of new buildings, renovations and refurbishments is based on the following important building blocks: planning tailored to the needs of the users, sustainable design, careful realisation and efficient operation. Interdisciplinary cooperation between all those involved is essential for this. The institute also sees digitalisation as an opportunity to establish sustainable construction even more firmly.


University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Civil Engineering Department

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert

Lectureship since 2007

Honorary professorship since 2012

The module intends to provide a grounding in the use of earth building materials in the conservation of both earth and non-earth buildings. A knowledge of the specific properties of earth materials, their advantages and particularities should enable the students to reach new standards in material critical construction as well as in the fields of conservation projects and extensions to existing buildings. The materials and techniques are explained through the use of numerous international and national project examples with the inclusion of a one-day excursion.

The graduates can identify and classify the damages to earth buildings and materials and evaluate their special properties and characteristics. They are also prepared to develop informed new conservation and modernisation concepts for earth buildings.

The module is taught over the course of six separate days of four hours teaching spread throughout the semester. The module is assessed through a written exam and is also available to external applicants.

Photo: FHP, Eike Stöcker


Host: Dachverband Lehm e.V. (DVL)

Teaching: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert

The qualification as an Earth Building Specialist is a practical training course in earth building. Participants are more often planners with a practical interest. The aim of the course is to improve and secure the practical quality of earth building works. The course gives craftsmen and their firms the chance to establish their position on the market through the advanced knowledge and skills gained while also satisfying the conditions needed to apply for a position on the craftmen’s register as an Earth Building Firm.

The content and coursebook were prepared by the “Dachverband Lehm e.V.” (Earth Building Association) and are regularly updated with the latest content. Teaching staff are selected using stringent criteria by the DVL. The courses are run in coopertation with craft training centres (currently Biberach, Herrstein and Düsseldorf). The required equipment is organised and financed by the course.

The course content covers all relevant earth building techniques and is taught in blocks of theory and practical exercises taught and practiced in test building sites. The DVL yearly offers all graduates extra specialist courses eg. coloured earth plasters or rammed earth building and also organises a yearly meeting to exchange experiences and share new knowledge.


Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen DGNB

Teaching: Prof. Andrea Klinge Dipl.-Ing. Architektin BDA

since 2021

The resources we build with are too valuable, energy and CO2 intensive to waste or discard. The concept of circular construction is a solution to preserve the qualities and economic value of buildings and materials and to reduce waste. For long-term use and future application, circular material flows must be planned in the design phase and deconstruction must be seen as a source and storage of materials.

How can circular construction be promoted in construction practice? What are the challenges and how can they be overcome? And which methods and tools help to implement a circular built environment?

The DGNB seminars on circular construction deal with urban mining, the opportunities and challenges of circular construction and tips on how to put circular construction into practice.


Bauhaus Universiät Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, master programme “Nutzerorientierte Bausanierung”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert and Jasmine Alia Blaschek

since 2016

As part of the post-graduate study “Materialien und Methoden zur nutzerorientierten Bausanierung” (Materials and Methods for User-Oriented Renovation), the course “Lehmbau in der Bausanierung und Denkmalpflege” (Earth Building in Renovation and Monument Conservation) aims to train planners for user- and material-oriented renovation who are well-versed in the field of earth building materials, earth building components and earth building methods. 

In addition to learning about the properties of earth building materials, students are also trained in advanced skills: they learn to identify earth buildings and earth building components, to carry out the necessary investigations in the event of refurbishment and to instruct material-appropriate refurbishments. Students are taught how to estimate the costs of refurbishment work on earth structures, including guidelines for a qualified tender. 

The focus of the course is on the area of building refurbishment, whereby the presentation of new technologies in building with earth building materials is also dealt with in the context of new construction.

Photo: Conservation and Rehabilitation of a cob-building in Leipzig-Lößnig, ZRS Ingenieure


WBA | Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V. together with Dachverband Lehm e.V. and Industrieverband Lehmbaustoffe e.V.

Prof. Dr. Christof Ziegert (Academic direction), Jasmine Alia Blaschek und Leon Radeljic 

from 2025

The one-semester course with seven attendance phases is aimed e.g., at civil engineers and architects. Participants will gain specific knowledge about building with earth, new earth building products and construction methods as well as new regulations and standards. In addition, the course, with a large number of experienced speakers from research and practice, aims to demonstrate the current state of the art and present the wide range of modern developments in building with earth and the handling of existing structures. In addition to Christof Ziegert, ZRS lecturers Jasmine Alia Blaschek and Leon Radeljic will pass on their experience to the students. A field trip and laboratory visits round off the course. After successfully completing the course, students are awarded the title of “Fachingenieur*in für Lehmbau” (Specialist engineer for buildingwith earth) or “Fachplaner*in für Lehmbau” (Specialist planner for building with earth), depending on the requirements.

Photo: ZRS Ingenieure


2012 – 2017

Host: Northeastern University, Boston, Jan Otaktar Fischer

Teaching Fellow: Jan Schreiber, ZRS Architekten

Contemporary Practices and Sustainable Futures is a required seminar for Landscape Arch. and Architecture students as part of the study abroad program from the Northeastern University Boston based in  Berlin


Winter Semester 2013/2014

Host: Münster School of Architecture

Taught by Arne Tönißen, Dipl. Ing., Earth Building Specialist, ZRS Architekten

Choice module for Masters students at the Münster School of Architecture (msa), Germany concerned with the traditional building cultures of the southern hemisphere.


Winter semester 2011/2012

Host: Münster School of Architecture
Visiting Lecturer: Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge,  ZRS Architekten

Part of the Seminar involved the design of a cultural institution in Apam, Ghana as a catalyst for the discussion of the traditional building techniques common in Southern Hemisphere. Over the course of the seminar relevant themes were developed and through conceptual and strategic discussion a manifesto for the upgrading of the local building culture was produced.

Practical work and 1:1 development of ideas are central to the seminar. For the final exhibition students had two days within which to construct an “Ideal Structure” with their hands, this object reflected the results of the seminar and anchors the ideas of the course in a real context.

Semester work: Cob and Natural Materials – Hand and Foot
Han Yian Sie, Alexander Keuper, Krishan Skuplik (www.architekturclips.de)


Winter Semester 2015

Host: Chair of Architecture and Construction Dirk E. Hebel with Emmanuel Heringer

Teaching: Andrea Klinge & Eike Roswag-Klinge, ZRS Architekten

As part of the design studio Village School Project Cambodia, on a single day the seminar group’s design ideas were prepared and presented; in the following week two selected bamboo objects were constructed which were characteristic of simply realisable bamboo construction techniques. The focus of the seminar was the communal experience of developing a design and then realising it under the supervision of experienced hand workers. The rapid construction time shows how much can be achieved with the hands without the utilisation of machine tools.

The Forest consisted of vertical bamboo poles which were split at one end and interwoven into a cloud. Between the single poles, horizontal bars were inserted to serve as sitting spaces – a poetic, lightly shaded space for relection.

The Shell consists of two contrastingly rotated hyperbolic paraboloids formed from straight bamboo poles resting on three supporting feet. The poles were connected at each knot with two pegs and lashed together.

The bamboo poles were provided by Bambuseto in Tuscany.


Non open competition
Award Authority: Magistrat der Universitätsstadt Gießen
More information on the project


Invitation competition
Award Authority: UTB Projektmanagement GmbH
More information on the project 


Competition for Realisation 
Award Authority: BSR Südkreuz Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
More information on the project


Our EU research project RE4 was honored with the Hans Sauer Award 2020 – DESIGNING CIRCULARITY IN THE BUILD
ENVIRONMENT in the category Tools | Materials | Methods.


The RE4 was shortlisted and honoured with the first prize in the category ‘Research’.

Process: Eingeladene Realisierungswettbewerb

Client: Freie Waldorfschule Kleinmachnow

3rd Place


Process: Open Realisation Competition with 52 Entries

Client: Bundesverband Deutsche Gartenfreunde e.V.

3rd Prize



Process: Workshop procedure with competitive commission of 4 offices

Client: Wohnländer Objekt 1 GmbH & Co KG

Selected Design


with Hütten und Paläste Architekten

Process: Limited Competition as part of the IBA Thüringen

Client: Städtische Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Nordhausen

1. Prize


1st International Prize for Contemporary Earthen Architectures

Jahili Fort, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi (awarded in the category: ‘Interior Layout & Design’)
Lehmschule Tipu Sultan Merkez, Pakistan (Honorable Mention)
as well as the works of Hannsjörg Voth in Morocco, for which we are currently establishing a management plan (category: ‘Exterior Design, Art & Landscape’)

Second Prize Competition Entry

ZRS Architekten with Studio Schulz Granberg

AG mit Thomas Kröger Architekten

Art: Nicht offener Realisierungswettbewerb

Auslober: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg



Donausteg Bridge in Deggendorf (Prizewinner in the category ‘Foot and Bicycle Bridges’, ZRS Ingenieure: workshop planning of the steel elements)
Arch Bridge Grubental (Nominated in the category ‘Road and Rail Bridges’)

Workshop Artis and New Life for a Peat Shed

Award by the Chamber of Architects of Baden-Wüttenberg for projects Viewing Platform Ellbachsee & Valley Station ‘Sankenbach Lodge’ Baiersbronn

Eike Roswag-Klinge representing the ZRS was awarded the KAIROS Culture Prize 2015.


Prizewinner of the category “Successful and Innovative Design”

Earthen School Tipu Sultan Merkez (Winner)
Workshop Artis (Honorary Mention)

Klimafreundliche Holz-Neubauten in Berlin und Brandenburg | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Projekt Sustainable Housing Berlin

Buildingnet 02|2025


Hochregallager aus Naturmaterialien | Weleda Logistics Cradle Campus, Schwäbisch Gmünd

DETAIL 01|2025


Robust und kreislaufgerecht | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Projekt Sustainable Housing Berlin

Baumeister 01|2025


CRADLE Book “Hybrid Timber Building” | Flexim Headquarters

ff publishers 01|2025

Umbau und Sanierung eines Verwaltungsgebäudes | Administration Buildung Tierpark, Berlin

BDA Umbau-Atlas 12|2024


Erhalt und Translozierung einer Torfremise in Schechen | New Life for a Peat Shed

BDA Umbau-Atlas 12|2024


Edeka baut erstmals Markt aus Holz | Edeka Future Market, Nauen

competitionline 10|2024


Wunderbaustoff mit Wow-Effekt | Building with earth

Futurzwei 08|2024


Neue Architekturschule Siegen | Living Lab Siegen School of Architecture

Baunetz Meldungen 05|2024


Kaffee und Kieztreff auf dem Leopoldplatz | Café Leo – Temporary Timber Pavilion at Leopoldplatz

DETAIL 04|2024


Baustoff Lehm: Vorteile, Nachteile, Nachhaltigkeit und Anwendungsgebiete | Interview with Christof Ziegert, ZRS Ingenieure

Immobilien Aktuell 03|2024


„Die Lüftung kann kompensiert werden“ | Interview with Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

immobilienmanager 02|2024


Cooperation DBZ 11 „Experimental Construction Bauen”

„Die Kreise erweitern” | Museum Pavilion and Touristic Information Trails, TU-Campus Berlin

„Experimenteller Lehmbau ohne Emissionen” | Weleda Logistics Cradle Campus, Schwäbisch Gmünd

Deutsche BauZeitschrift (DBZ) 11|2024


Das Millarden-Euro-Baustofflager – The circular economy is ecologically and economically sustainable

Mietermagazin des Berliner Mieterverein e.V. | 10|2024


Pavillon und Wissenspfade in Berlin-Charlottenburg

Bauwelt 20.2024 | 09|2024


Holzbau-Duo / Woof & Skelle / Ellener Hof, Bremen / ZRS Architekten Ingenieure

architektur FACHMAGAZIN 05|2024


Lehm trägt zur Bauwende bei | Interview with Christof Ziegert

Ökotest Building and Living 05|2024


Aus der Reihe in Berlin – 84 Wohneinheiten in Holzbauweise  | Kokoni One – Timber Construction Quarter at the Orchard

Holzbau Austria 04|2024


Experimentelles Bauen | Interview with Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge und Uwe Seiler

DBZ, der Podcast | Episode 118 | 11|2024


Kann man nachhaltig bauen? | Interview with Andrea Klinge

Zukunftswerkstatt: Ideen und Wege ins Morgen | 09|2024


Rethinking housing – „There is no climate neutral construction!” | Interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge

DLF Kultur | Studio 9, 08|2024


Senate passes law to speed up construction projects | Interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge

rbb radio 3, 08|2024


How do we want to live in the future? | With Elisabeth Kaiser (SPD) and Eike Roswag-Klinge (ZRS Architekten Ingenieure)

Podcast “Wissenschaft und Politik im Gespräch” #4, 05|2024


Prof. Andrea Klinge: The disarmament of the building sector

Heinze Architekturfunk #135, 02|2024


A wie zirkulär – Ein Leitfaden zum Planen und Bauen im Kreislauf | Planning tasks – Building envelope

Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge

Architektenkammer Berlin | 11|2024


Architektur Berlin | Building Berlin Bd. 13 | Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

Chamber of Architects Berlin (Ed.), Braun Publishing 03|2024


Ingenieurbaukunst 2024 | CRCLR Haus 

Johanna Baier, Uwe Seiler, both ZRS Ingenieure, Julian Tiermeier

Bundesingenieurkammer (Hrsg.), Ernst & Sohn 01|2024


Ingenieurbaukunst 2024 | Modern load-bearing earth building 

Johanna Baier, Christof Ziegert, both ZRS Ingenieure, et al.

Bundesingenieurkammer (Hrsg.), Ernst & Sohn 01|2024


Kreislaufgerecht gebaut, hybrid genutzt | Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

German Architects, Bau der Woche, 12|2023


Pärchen im nordischen Fichtenkleid | Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

Baunetz Meldungen, 07|2023


Die Siedlung lebt | Kokoni One – Timber Construction Quarter at the Orchard

Baunetz Meldungen, 07|2023


„Wie können wir Bestand wertschätzen und um- und weiterbauen, sodass wir die planetaren Grenzen respektieren?“ | Interview with Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

Baunetz Campus, 06|2023


Research into Practice: Tying Two Endes of a String Together

Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

TAD Technology | Architecture + Design 11|2023


CRCLR-Genossenschaftsbau in Berlin | CRCLR House

Bauwelt 11|2023


Wiederverwendbarkeit als Ziel | CRCLR House

db deutsche bauzeitung 10|2023


Klima ohne Anlage | Flexim Headquarters

db deutsche bauzeitung 10|2023


Wohnungsbau in Berlin-Neukölln – “Stadt und Land” experimentiert mit nachhaltiger Bauweise aus Holz und Lehm | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin

Tagesspiegel 09|2023


Bauen und Leben im Kreislauf der Natur | Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift 05|2023


Reallabor Bauwende – Gebäude als Experimentierfeld und Forschungsobjekt

Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge, both ZRS Architekten

Die Architekt 03|2023


Ein neues Wohn- und Werkstatthaus in altem Gewand | New Life for a Peat Shed, Schechen

Zuschnitt 88 03|2023


Wohnen und Kita in Holzbauweise | Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

Monique Bührdel, ZRS Architekten

Feuer Trutz Dossier Brandschutz im Holzbau 02|2023


Standard for Load-Bearing Earth Block Masonry has been adopted

Johanna Baier, Christof Ziegert, both ZRS Ingenieure

nbau 02|2023


Die Zukunft des Bauens – Architektin Andrea Klinge engagiert sich gegen Abriss | Interview with Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

SWR2 Tandem, 10|2023


“Climate 2050” in Berlin – How Clay is becoming the Air Conditioning of the Future in Residential Buildings

rbb24 Abendschau, 10|2023


Prof. Andrea Klinge – Baustoffe für die Transformation | Interview with Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

Architektur, Stadt, Planung – Der Podcast der Bundesarchitektenkammer E26, 05|2023


Prof. Andrea Klinge, Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge, ZRS: Pioniere. Nicht nur im Lehmbau | Interview with Andrea Klinge und Eike Roswag-Klinge, ZRS Architekten

Heinze Architekturfunk #91, 02|2023


The Real Deal – Post-Fossil Construction for Game Changers | Interview with Christof Ziegert, ZRS Ingenieure

Ruby Press 11|2023


Jahrbuch der Architektur 23/24 | Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

Deutscher Architektur Verlag 11|2023


Sustainable Architecture & Design 2023/2024 | Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten

avedition 10|2023


Zirkuläres Bauen in der Praxis – Ein Status Quo

Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten et al.  

Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (Ed.) 04|2023


Die Grüne Bauindustrie 2023 | Studie

Niklas Heinen, ZRS Architekten, et al.

BauInfoConsult (Ed.) 02|2023


Die verpasste Wärmewende – Wie das Gebäudeenergiegesetz in Deutschland einen klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand behindert | Study

Niklas Heinen, Eve Neumann, both ZRS Architekten et al.

LichtBlick SE (Ed.) 02|2023


Mauerwerk Kalender 2023 | Normen im Lehmbau

Christof Ziegert, ZRS Ingenieure, et al.

Ernst & Sohn 02|2023


Mauerwerk Kalender 2023 | Konservierung von mesopotamischen Lehmsteinbauten in Uruk (Südirak), der ersten Metropole der Menschheit

Christof Ziegert, Jasmine Alia Blaschek, both ZRS Ingenieure

Ernst & Sohn 02|2023


Standardization Roadmap Circular Economy

Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge, both ZRS Architekten et al.

DIN e.V., DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (Ed.) 01|2023


Ingenieurbaukunst 2023 | Administration Building Tierpark

Uwe Seiler, ZRS Ingenieure, Ole Busch, ZRS Architekten

Bundesingenieurkammer (Ed.), Ernst & Sohn 01|2023


Lowtech im Gebäudebereich | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin

BBSR | Zukunft Bauen: Forschung für die Praxis Band 32


Das Haus aus hundert Häusern | CRCLR House

Zeit Online 12|2022


Stand der Anwendung von Lehmbaustoffen in Deutschland

Christof Ziegert, ZRS Ingenieure

Bauwelt 11|2022


„Kokoni One” in Pankow: Krisenfreies Wohnen ohne Öl und Gas | Kokoni One – Timber Construction Quarter at the Orchard

Berliner Morgenpost 09|2022


Building Transformation – the CRCLR House in Berlin

Maria Lorenz, Johanna Baier, both ZRS Ingenieure, et al.

nbau 04|2022


Nachhaltigkeit im Geschosswohnungsbau mit zirkulärem Bauen | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin

nbau 04|2022


Zukunftsfähiges Bauen mit Lehm

Jasmine Alia Blaschek, Christof Ziegert, both ZRS Ingenieure



Bauen innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen | Interview with Andrea Klinge, ZRS Architekten

Heinze Architekturfunk #49, 02|2022


Berlin – Urbane Architektur und Alltag seit 2009 | Administration Building Tierpark

Edition DETAIL 11|2022


Robuste Architektur – Lowtech Design | New Life for a Peat Shed

Edition DETAIL 09|2022


Robuste Architektur – Lowtech Design | Rammed-Earth Facade Alnatura Welt Darmstadt

Edition DETAIL 09|2022


Architektur in Berlin, Bd. 11 | Workshop Building for Konrad-Zuse School

Chamber of Architects Berlin (Ed.), Braun Publishing 03|2022


Wooden storey building for urban transformation
Eike Roswag-Klinge | Die Wohnungswirtschaft 01|2021

FLEXIM in the Deutschen Architektur Verlag
working environments. spaces of productivity
DAV Edition 1:100 | 08|2021

LEHM2020 proceedings
Authors and co-authors of 6 proceedings for the conference LEHM2020


Interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge
Tagesspiegel Berlin | 19.09.2020


Project: Building Teachers Housing in Rudrapur
Andrea Klinge & Christina Jötten | Ki Khaba – Magazine of Association Partnership Shanti-Bangladesh e.V. | 08|2020


Innovative Energiekonzepte | Gerhard Hausladen, Elisabeth Endres und Christian Götz
Magazin für Beratende Ingenieure | Issue 5|6 2020


RE4 mit dem Hans Sauer Preis ausgezeichnet
Baunetz Architekten | 17.03.2020


LowTech construction, material approach and circularity
Interview with Andrea Klinge | RECYCLING Magazine 02|2020


Berlin Architects Draw on Traditional Building Techniques for Kurdish Safe Haven
Metropolis Mag | 03.01.2020


Spezialverbund im Knotenpunkt | Flexim
Bauen+  1|2020


Longer interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge in RBB Fernsehen | 28.09.2020
’Eine Welt ohne Beton’ in the series ‘Eine Welt ohne…’ S01|E05
Longer interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge | ARD 15.11.2020


Forschung für die Praxis | Band 21 – LOWTECH IM GEBÄUDEBEREICH

Published proceedings from the symposium ‘LowTech im Gebäudebereich’.

Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Bauordnung, Bonn 2020


“the relevance of earthen plasters for eco innovative, cost efficient and healthy construction”
results from the EU funded research project [H]House
Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge, Matthias Richter, Patrick Fontana, Johannes Hoppe, Jerome Payet
published in: Springer Press – “Earthen Dwellings and Structures”


build reversable// interview with Andrea Klinge
published 14.03.2019 in: “Holz im Loop” Banetzwoche#531


published in: Bauwelt 3.2019


Jaeger, F: “Preisgünstiger Wohnungsbau in Berlin”
published in: Baumeister, das Architekturmagazin 10.2019#


Cover Story for Green Building Magazine Taiwan No. 61

‘Auf Sand gebaut’

Eike Roswag-Klinge in an extended interview about construction and materials on the show Talking Science on RBB

DEUTSCHER HOLZBAU PREIS 2019, Catalogue for the awarded projects in the German Timber Building Prize 2019

Holzbau Deutschland – Bund Deutscher Zimmermeister, Berlin 2019


Andrea Klinge, Eike Roswag-Klinge, Patrick Fontana, Johannes Hoppe, Matthias Richter, Christer Sjöström: Hygroscopic natural materials versus mechanical ventilation

published in: Terra Lyon 2016: actes / proceedings / actos


Eike Roswag-Klinge, Christof Ziegert: Internal insulation of historic buildings with earth building materials

Terra Lyon 2016: Articles selected for on-line publication


Philipp Müller, Lorenzo Miccoli, Patrick Fontana, Christof Ziegert: Partial safety factors for earth block masonry 

Terra Lyon 2016: Articles selected for on-line publication

Hillebrandt, A., Riegler-Floors, P., Rosen, A., Seggewies, J., RECYCLING ATLAS

Edition Detail, München 2018, ISBN: 978-3-95553-415-8


Michette M., Lorenz R., Ziegert C.: Clay barriers for protecting historic buildings from ground moisture intrusion

published in: Heritage Science, Edition Nr.5/2017


Miccoli l., Gerrard C., Perrone C., Gardei A., Ziegert C.: A Collaborative Engineering and Archaeology Project to Investigate Decay in Historic Rammed Earth Structures: The Case of the Medieval Preceptory in Ambel

published in: International Journal of Architectural Heritage – Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, Edition Nr. 11/2017 – Issue 5


Roswag-Klinge E., Ziegert C., Klinge A.: Material der postfossilen Welt

published in: TEC21, Edition Nr. 9-10/2017, P. 26–29




Brensing C.: Gespür für die Nische – Spezialistentum als Bürofundament

published in: Beratende Ingenieure, Edition Nr.5/6 2017, P. 35-37


KfW: Alte Häuser, neues Leben

published in: bauen + wohnen KfW Award 2017, Edition Nr.6/2017, P. 32–33


Herrmann E. M. in discussion with Anna Heringer: Architektur als Katalysator für gesellschaftliche Entwicklung

published in: profile, Edition Nr.18/2017, P. 16-19


Ochs, B.: ‘Nächster Halt: Alte Torfremise’

published in the series: ‘Neue Häuser’, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 08th June 2017


Kammer, T.: Dicke Luft? Fehlanzeige.

published in md INTERIOR | DESIGN | ARCHITECTURE, Edition 03/2017, p. 42–44




Bauweltkongress 2016 – Documentation


Deutsche Welle, ECO@AFRICA series
‘Making the most of mud’




Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): BUILDING BERLIN, VOL. 6 – The Latest Architecture in and out of the Capital

Braun Publishing, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-03768-217-3




Roswag-Klinge E., Klinge A., Richter M., Ziegert C.: Gesund bauen mit Naturbaustoffen

published in: Wohnung+Gesund, Edition 161, P. 25–27


Klinge A., Roswag-Klinge E., Fontana P., Hoppe J., Richter M., Sjöström C.: Reducing the need for mechanical ventilation through the use of climate-responsive natural building materials – Results from the EU research project H-House and building practice

in: Lehm 2016 (digital conference proceedings)


Klinge, A., Roswag-Klinge, E., Ziegert, C., Fontana, P., Richter, M. J. Hoppe, J.: Naturally Ventilated Earth Timber Constructions

in: Expanding Boundaries – Systems Thinking in the Built Environment, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, Zurich, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7281-3774-6


Müller P., Miccoli, L., Fontana P., Christof Ziegert: Calibration of partial safety factor for Earth Block Masonry under compression loading

in: Brick and Block Masonry – Trends, Innovations and Challenges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02999-6


Ziegert, C., Mahdy, H. M., Seiler U., Roswag E.: Structural aspects of conservation for historic earthen buildings in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

in: earth construction & tradition vol 1, IVA-Verlag, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-900265-34-2


Miccoli, L., Perrone, C., Gardei, A., Ziegert, C., Kaiser, C., Fontana, P., Gerrad, C.: Analysis and diagnosis of earthen buildings: The case of Ambel preceptory in Aragon, Spain

in: earth construction & tradition vol 1, IVA-Verlag, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-900265-34-2


Roswag-Klinge, E.: Bau(t)en der Gesellschaft im Wandel

in: Draussen – 2013/2014 Doppeljahrbuch 2014/2015, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. 2016




Pilz A.: Umzug ins Dorf – Neubau in historischer Torfremise

published in: greenBUILDING, Edition 06/2016 (#76)


Klar, A.: Von Bielefeld nach Berlin – Christine und Günther Hohn sind in Zehlendorf in einen ÖkoNeubau gezogen, mit vielen Einbauten und guten Ideen

published in: Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 19.11.2016, 46. Woche, P. 14–15


Interview with Jan Schreiber by Anna Klar: „Holz steht bei uns an erster Stelle“ – Mit alternativen Baustoffen auch Häuser im Bestand sanieren und erweitern

published in: Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 19.11.2016, 46. Woche, P. 15


IG Bauernhaus: Wohnen und arbeiten in der Torfremise

published in: Der Holznagel, Edition 5/2016, P.52–53


Jung K.: Unsere verpflanzte Scheune

published in: Das Haus, Edition 11/2016, P. 16


Pilz A.: Energetische Durchdringung

published in: Energie Kompakt, Edition 05/16, P. 12–14


Meyer, F.: Bühne frei für den Lehm

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 32.2016, P. 8–11


Klar, A.: Ein Engel im Waschhaus

published in: Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 33. Woche, 20.08.2016, P. 4–5


Interview with Eike Roswag-Klinge by Anna Klar: Natürliche Stoffe halten Luftfeuchte

published in: Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 33. Woche, 20.08.2016, P. 5


Meyer, F.: Wohnen am Kleinen Wannsee

published in: Wohnung + Gesundheit, Edition NR. 160, P. 20–22


John, V.: Perspektivenwechsel – Sustainable Built Environment Conference

published in: TEC21, Edition 29-30/2016, P. 11–13


Pilz, A.: Lehm in historischer Torfremise

published in: ausbau+fassade, Edition 06/2016, P. 22–24


Fundatia Arhitextdesign: Scoala de pamant Tipu Sultan Merkz

published in: arhitext, Edition 03+04/2016, P. 70–73


Gundlach, S.: Zukunft aus Lehm und Bambus – Architekt Eike Roswag-Klinge setzt auf natürliche Baustoffe – in Berlin und international,

published in Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 2.6.2016, P. 13

and Nachhaltig und modern: Mit Lehm und Bambus Zukunft bauen

published at www.morgenpost.de


Helbig O.: Der pragmatische Pionier

published in: brand eins – Richtig bewerten, Edition 04/2016, P. 140–145


Simon V.: Filigrane Bambuskonstruktion,

published in: dach + holzbau, Edition 3/2016, P. 63–64


Pilz A.: Historische Torfremise – Holzbauwerk neu aufgeschlagen

published in: Wohnung + Gesundheit, Edition Nr. 158/2016, P. 6–8


Tschechne, M.: Uralt und hochmodern

published in: A & W Architektur & Wohnen, Edition 1/16, P. 34–36


archimappublishers – Kaiser Peters Wormuth GbR: New Life for a Peat Shed

published in: Archipendium 2016, Sheet 27.02.2016




Architalk mit Eike Roswag, Fred Plassmann, OFFscreen


Day of the Open Architecture Offices, Lectures on the Theme of Healthy Spaces for Living and Working: Feuchte – Fluch oder Segen? (Walter Hugentobler), Gesundheitliche Bewertung von Bauprodukt­emissionen – Gütezeichen, rechtliche Regelungen und europäische Perspektiven (Ana Maria Scutaru), Emissionen aus Baustoffen in die Luft – Unter­suchungen für gesundes Wohnen (Matthias Richter), Hygroskopische Materialien versus Lüftung – Projektergebnisse EU-Forschungsvorhaben H-House (Andrea Klinge)


Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference
15th – 17th June 2016, Zurich, Switzerland
Expanding Boundaries: Systems Thinking for the Built Environment
Expert panel discussion, 17th June 2016
Aumann Annette; Feddern Jens; Roswag-Klinge Eike; Kohler Niklaus; du Plessis Chrisna; Habert Guillaume




Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG München: best of DETAIL – Building for Children

Edition DETAIL, München, ISBN 978-3-95553-310-6


BASEhabitat (Hrsg.): BASEhabitat Travel guide

BASEhabitat, Linz 2016, ISBN 978-3-901112-79-9


BASEhabitat (Hrsg.): BASEhabitat 2004–2016

BASEhabitat, Linz 2016, ISBN 978-3-901112-78-2


Förster Y., Gräwe C., Cachola Schmal P. (Hrsg.): Architekturführer Deutschland

DOM publishers, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86922-549-4


Bachmann, W., Moormann N. H.: HÄUSER DES JAHRES 2016 – Die 50 besten Einfamilienhäuser 2016

Callwey, München 2016, ISBN 978-3-7667-2249-2


Bohle, H., Dimog, J.: Architectural Guide United Arab Emirates

DOM publishers, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86922-508-1


Gauzin-Müller, D.: Architecture en Terre D’Aujourd’Hui

les grand ateliers, Museo/CraTerre, 2016, ISBN 978-2-37375-009-6



Virserums Konsthall, Virserum, 2016, ISBN 978-91-978861-3-0


Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. (Ed.): Draussen – 2013/2014 Doppeljahrbuch 2014/2015

Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., Hamburg 2016




Schreiber, J., Erbel-Pacan R.: Pack die Badehose ein … Wohnen am Kleinen Wannsee in Berlin

published in: Bauen+, Edition 5/2015, P. 11–13


Roswag, E.: Mit Lehm bauen – von Bangladesh lernen

published in Ki Khabar, Edition 2015


Ziegert, C.: Rechtssicherheit durch DIN-Normen – Lehm als »normaler« Baustoff

published on db-bauzeitung.de: energetisch sanieren


Roswag E.: Zukunftsorientiert Bauen – Klimawandel und Ressourcenknappheit fordern Veränderung

published in DBZ, Edition 06/2015, P. 70–73


Ziegert C.: Normen im Lehmbau

published in: Baubiologie, Edition 49/01-2015, P. 22–24


Schreiber J.: Berliner Gewerbebau in Holz als Energieplusgebäude

published in: Industrie – und Gewerbebauten, Edition 03/2015, P. 79–83




Rodriguez R.: Klein wonen in een wereldstad

published in: Volkskrant Magazine, Edition 5/12/2015 – Nr. 761, P. 58–59


Meyer, F.: Die große Schlacht wird im Bestand geschlagen

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 43/2015, P. 8–9


Hochparterre: Old exterior; new interior

published in: Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2015: ‘Constructive Alps – International award for sustainable renovation and new building in the Alps’, P. 38


Bauen mit Holz (Ed.): Mehr als nur Gras

published in: Bauen mit Holz, Edition 9/2015, P. 40


Holz-Zentralblatt (Ed.): Mafell unterstützt Bau des Bambus-Turm in Mailand – Sockel aus Konstruktionsvollholz nimmt Bambusstangen auf

published in: Holz-Zentralblatt, Edition 06/2015


mikado (Ed.): Bambusturm – Mehr als ein Kunstwerk

published in: mikado, Edition 06/2015


holzBaumarktschweiz (Ed.): Green Utopia steht auf solidem Sockel

published in: holzBaumarktschweiz, Edition 04/2015, P. 28–29


Informationsdienst Holz (Ed.): Gebaute Beispiele

published in: Holzbau für kommunale Aufgaben, Edition spezial, OKTOBER 2015, P. 70


Klempert, O.: Lehm aus dem Labor

published in: VDI nachrichten, Edition 09.10.2015, Nr. 41, P. 23


Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (Ed.) and Bündnis KlimaSchutzPartner Berlin: Neubau Firmengebäude FLEXIM

published in der brochure: Gemeinsam für Klimaschutz in Berlin


Klasse Schule

published in: AIT, Edition 05/2015, P. 130–131


Brühlmann, E.: Bambus reloaded

published in: Sonntagszeitung, Edition 21.06.2015, P. 74


Kraft, B.: Viel radikaler mit der Ressource arbeiten – Ein Gespräch mit Eike Roswag, Ziegert | Roswag | Seiler Architekten Ingenieure

published in: DBZ 3/2015, P. 12–13


Friederike M.: Torfstadel Schechen

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 6/2015, P. 24–29


archimappublishers – Kaiser Peters Wormuth GbR: School handmade in Bangladesh

published in: Archipendium 2015, Sheet 25.11.2015



MAKE CITY FESTIVAL 2015 – Berlin’s Festival for Architecture and Urban Alternatives, Director: Andrew Bateman, Production: Make_Shift gGmbH, view online: www.architekturclips.de


Eike Roswag-Klinge zur Geschichtsgalerie auf den Hangardächern des ehemaligen Flughafens Tempelhof: „Tolle Aussichten – das Dach des Flughafens Tempelhof als riesige Terrasse“ on Deutschlandradio Kultur: Echtzeit – Architektur „von unten“ – Stadtplanung in Berlin mal anders vom 20.06.2015


Plassmann F.: KAIROS Preis 2015 der Alfred Toepfer Stiftung
„Farrokh Derakhshani und Mattias Sauerbruch im Dialog“ / „Die Perspektive des Kuratoriums, Prof.Dr. Christoph Stölzl, Präsident der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt“ / „Verleihung des Kairos-Preises durch Marlehn Thieme, Vorsitzende des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ / „Danksagung Eike Roswag“, view online: www.vimeo.com


Kulturzeit: Kairos-Preis für Eike Roswag, 18th February 2015, 3sat




Schmal P. C., Gräwe C., Förster Y. (Ed.): German Architecture Annual 2015/16

Prestel Verlag, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-7913-5478-1


Hoffmann H. W., Meuser P. (Ed.), Haubrich R.: Berlin – The Architecture Guide

Braun Publishing, Berlin, 2015, ISBN 978-3-938780-09-1


Unesco (Ed.): Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan JAM and HERAT

Unesco, France 2015, ISBN 978-92-3-100093-5


Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): BUILDING BERLIN, VOL. 4 – The Latest Architecture in and out of the Capital

Braun Publishing, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-03768-188-6




Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C.: Lehmbau Praxis

Beuth Verlag, Edition Bauwerk, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-410-23942-0, 2. completely revised Edition (04/2014)


Ziegert, C.: Die neuen Produktnormen für Lehmbaustoffe sind seit August 2013 in Kraft

in: Der Bausachverständige, Edition 01/2014, p. 68–70




Paul, U.: Ein Dachgarten für Tempelhof

published in: Berliner Zeitung, Edition 13.11.2014


Neumann, H.: Des Tischlers Hangar

published in: dds, Edition 11/2014, S. 76-79


Bundesverband Wärmepumpen (Ed.): Der Verwaltungskünstler – Eike Roswag geht an den Bestand

published in: Bauen auf Erdwärme, P.10–13, view online: www.bauen-auf-erdwaerme.de


Mai A.: Guter Ton?

published in: ÖKO TEST – Richtig gut leben, Edition 08/2014, P. 119–125


Koch B.: Ausgezeichnete Klimaschutzvorhaben – Zwischenstand zum Auswahlverfahren

published in: Deutsches Architektenblatt, Edition: 08/2014, P. 9


Pilz A.: Modernisierte Villa – Schilfdämmung mit Kalkputz

published in: Wohnung + Gesundheit, Edition N. 154, 2014, P. 12–13


Hamacher K.: Nachhaltig und attraktiv

published in: Berliner Zeitung, Edition 08.07.2014


UNESCO World Heritage Centre: The Old Palac of Doha – Conservation and rehabilitation

published in: World Heritage, Edition 06/2014, No. 72, P. 66–71


Präsidentin der Fachhochschule Münster (Ed.): Im Dialog mit Afrika

published in: fhocus, Edition 24, Summer semester 2014, P. 14–15




‘Kunst aus Rom in Berlin’, Abendschau 20.02.2014, rbb




ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Hrsg.): Klasse Schule – So baut die Welt

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-92197065-2


Encore Heureux, architectes (Hrsg.): MATIÈRE GRISE – matériaux / réemploi / architecture

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris 2014, ISBN 978-2-35487-026-3


van Uffelen, C.: Bamboo Architecture & Design

Braun Publishing, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-03768-182-4


Architektenkammer Berlin (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Architektur Berlin, Band 3

Braun Publishing, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-03768-152-7




Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C.: Construire en terre crue

Edition Le Moniteur, Paris 2013, EAN13: 9782281115673


Roswag, E.: Von den Alten lernen – Lehmbaustoffe im modernen Holzbau

in: Holz und Lehm – Tagungsbeiträge zum Symposium »Holz und Lehm«, Biberach 2012, Dachverband Lehm e.V. 2013


Ziegert, C.: Lehmbaustoffe im Holzbau

in: Holz und Lehm – Tagungsbeiträge zum Symposium »Holz und Lehm«, Biberach 2012, Dachverband Lehm e.V. 2013




Euler S., Einkehr in der Talstation: mit Ausblick und Weitblick erbaut

published in: bauplaner, Edition 12/2013, P. 11–12


Max G., Trenntstadt Berlin: Zirkeltraining

published in: TrenntMagazin, Edition No. 6, 2013, P. 16–27


Mujtuba H.: Hand-Made School in Punjab – Earthen School Tipu Sultan Merkez, Jar Maulwi, Pakistan

published in: Architecture+Interiors, Edition No. 35, 2013, P. 56–63


Ulrike K., Katja K.: Oberflächlich? Putz in der Architektur

published in: deutsche bauzeitung, Edition 11/2013, P. 6


1A Architekturpreis Berlin e.v.: Auszeichnung: Betriebsgebäude Artis GmbH

erschienen in: Berliner Zeitung für Bau-Kunst-Kultur, Edition 1


Schreiber J.: Berliner Gewerbebau in Holz

published in: greenbuilding, Edition 03/2013, P. 16–19


Praxisbeispiele für nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen

published in: Deutsches Architektenblatt, Edition 04/ 2013, P. 9


Guthardt S.: Holzbau im Holzhaus

published in: Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung, Edition 09/2013, P. 17


Keilhacker T.: Deutsche Aktionswoche Nachhaltigkeit

published in: Deutsches Architektenblatt, Edition 08/2013, P. 13


Brensing C.: Gebaute Zukunft hinter Holzschindeln und weißem Putz

published in: VBI Beratende Ingenieure, Edition 1/2 2013, P. 25–27



published in: Architektur Premium, Edition 02/2013, P. 97


Fischbauchträger in Berlin

published in: Architektur Premium, Edition 01/2013, P. 43


archimappublishers – Kaiser Peters Wormuth GbR: Jahili Fort Al Ain

published in: Archipendium 2013, Sheet 11.07.2013




Jodidio, P.: Green Architecture Now! 01

Taschen Verlag, Cologne 2013, ISBN 978-3836543460


Salvatore Spataro (Ed.): Needs – Architecture in developing Countries

LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa 2011/2013, p. 65-72, ISBN 978-88-6242-032-7


Virserums Konsthall (Ed.): Trä 2013 – Nödvändighetens Arkitektur

Virserums Konsthall, Virserums 2013, ISBN 978-91-978861-2-3




Roswag, E.: Lehm und Naturbaustoffe – Grundlagen ökologischer Gebäudekonzeption

in: Building the Future: Maßstäbe des nachhaltigen Bauens, Jovis, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978- 3868591668


Roswag, E., Seiler, U. Ziegert, C.: Transformation of traditional rural earthen building techniques, schools and private houses in Bangladesh, Mozambique and Pakistan

Tagungsband Terra Lima 2012


Müller, U., Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C., Kaiser, C.: Eigenschaften industrieller Lehmbauprodukte für den Mauerwerksbau und Verhalten von Lehmsteinmauerwerk

in: Mauerwerk – Zeitschrift für Technik und Architektur, 16. Jahrgang Februar 2012, Heft 1, Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISSN 1432-3427


Roswag, E., Seiler, U. Ziegert, C.: Die Transformation traditioneller ländlicher Lehmbautechniken – Schulen und Wohnhäuser in Bangladesh, Mosambik und Pakistan

in: Dachverband Lehm (Ed.): Lehm 2012, published by the Dachverband Lehm, Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-00-039649-6




Oliver K.: Die Rückkehr des Lehms

published in: Berliner Morgenpost, Edition 28.01.12


Daniela E.: Pavillon mit Hand und Fuß

published in: Westfälische Nachrichten, Edition 23.01.12


Louis W.: Construction award for developing country innovation

published in: Ethical Investor, Edition Nr. 98, 2012, P. 38


Friederike M.: Regional Holcim Awards 2011. Warum Deutsche Architekten so erfolgreich waren

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 4/2012, P. 12


Schreiber J.: Der richtige Auftritt

published in: Bauen mit Holz, Edition 04/2012, P. 25–29


Horn P.: Prometheus steht Pate

published in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Edition 19.10.2012


Ryll C.: Wenn der Kunde zum Kunden wird

published in: Mikado, Edition 04/2012


GrAT: Best-Practice – Sanierung mit Schilf und Zellulose

published in: RenewBuilding Ökologisch Sanieren, P. 5


Schule in Cabo Delegado

published in: Detaill, Edition 05/2012, P. 472


Stefan P.: Terra cruda – cultura ed identica costruita

published in: Terra, Edition 04/2012, P. 163


Zain M.: Eike Roswag on Architecture

published in: Archi Times, Edition 05/2012, P.13




The Aedes Network Campus Berlin, (ANCB): MACHEN! 3 – Alte Materialien neu verbaut: Wie man alte Bautraditionen modernisieren kann

view online: www.youtube.com


Plassmann F.: Head Office of Artis Engineering – Sustainable Commercial Building

view online: www.architekturclips.de


Plassmann, F.: Designbuild-Studio: New Ways in Architectural Education, symposium on CoCoon – sector for contextual construction, TU Berlin

view online: www.architekturclips.de


Schwarz, M.: Von Leuten lernen, die noch in Harmonie mit der Natur leben

report on Deutschlandfunk, Corso-Skop, 02.01.2012


Han Yian Sie/Alexander Keuper/Krishan Skuplik and students of the Münster School of Architecture (msa): Hand and Foot

workshop by students of the msa with Eike Roswag, view online: www.architekturclips.de


BDA Berlin: 1:1 Berliner Architekturdialoge

Eike Roswag and Nicolas Ziesel of KOZ (Paris), BDA-Galerie, Berlin, view online: www.vimeo.com (Teil 1/Teil 2)




Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction (Ed.): MACHEN! Die deutschen Gewinner der Holcim Awards 2011/2012

Ruby Press, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3981343670


Edward Schwarz, Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction  (Ed.): Third Holcim Awards – Sustainable Construction 2011/2012, Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction

Zurich 2012, ISBN 978-3-7266-0094-5


Detail (Ed.): Im Detail – Einfach Bauen Zwei

Edition Detail, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-920034-62-1


Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt. Vol. 1

Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-03768-111-4


Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Ed.): Über Putz – Oberfläschen entwickeln und realisieren

gta Verlag, Zurich 2012, ISBN 978-3-85676-301-5


Minke, G.: Building with Bamboo

Birkhäuser, Basel 2012, ISBN 978-3034607483


msa (Ed.): Building the future

Jovis Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 9783868591668


Ressource Architektur (Ed.): Reduce Reuse Recycle

Hatje Cantz Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-7757-34


Deutscher Museumsbund (Ed.): Museumskunde. Museum nachgefragt

G + H Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISSN: 0027-4178


Bund Deutscher Architekten Landesverband Berlin e.V. (Ed.): Berliner BDA Architekten Band III

Jovis Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-939633-85-3




Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C.: Earth Building Practice

Beuth-Verlag, Edition Bauwerk, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-410-21737-4




Tina E.: Wertvoll – auf Dauer

published in: Berlin-Brandenburgisches Handwerk. Magazin der Handwerkskammer Berlin, Edition 12/2011, P. 38–39


Keilhacker T.: KlimaschutzPartner 2011

published in: DABregional, Edition 7/8 2011


Philipp J.: Grüner Pionier – Leben in Lehm

published in: Wirtschaftswoche, Edition No. 45, 2011, P. 26–27


Baunetz Wissen Redaktion: Bauinformation Gesund Bauen

published in: Bundesbaublatt, Edition 09/2011, P.7


Silvia R.: Host of events to celebrate Al Ain’s UNESCO Listing

published in: Khalerej Times, Edition 07/2011, P. 8


Drotleff, M.: Natürlich Lowtech

published in: greenhome, Edition 03+04/2011, P. 32–39


Ghenciulescu, S.: Ziegert/Roswag/Seiler

published in: Zeppelin, Edition No. 94, 2011, P. 68–103


Rauch, M.: Moderner Lehmbau – eine Bauweise mit Entwicklungspotenzial

published in: Detail, Edition 07/2011, P. 76


Ryll, C.: Simpletec mit Weidenruten

published in: Mikado, Edition 04/2011, P. 62–65


Schoof, J.: Architektur in sozialer Mission

published in: Detail, Edition 01/2012, P. 4–6


Buchbesprechung: Lehmbau-Praxis

published in: Detail, Edition 01/2011, P. 12




Plassmann, F./Ziegert l Roswag l Seiler Architekten Ingenieure: Building with People

view online: www.architekturclips.de


GIZ: Symposium on Natural Building Future in Pakistan, 30.11.2011

view online: www.youtube.com




Deutscher Museumsbund (Ed.): Museumskunde. Museum nachgefragt

G + H Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISSN: 0027-4178


Bund Deutscher Architekten Landesverband Berlin e.V. (Ed.): Berliner BDA Architekten Band III

Jovis Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-939633-85-3




Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C.: Lehmbau Praxis

Beuth Verlag, Edition Bauwerk, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-410-21621-6




Birke, M.: Berliner Luft ohne Pollenduft

published in: Mikado, Edition 08/2010, P. 26–29


Höhn, M.: Oasenstadt-Stadtoase

published in: anthos, Edition 03/2010, P. 14–15


Kreif, F.: Überzeugend gut versorgt

published in: Smart Homes, Edition 03+04/2010


Schindler, S.: Klein, aber wirkungsvoll

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 43/2010, P. 2–4


Schwarzburger, H.: Schöne Scheune

published in: greenhome, Edition 01+02/2010, P.24–31


Interview mit C. Ziegert: Lehm – das sagt der Experte

published in: greenhome, Edition 01+02/2010, P. 67




Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Mozambique: Earth Works

view online: www.architekturclips.de


Galileo/Prosieben: Traumhaus aus Lehm

(Residence Müller and Rutschke, Reichenow; Roswag & Jankowski Architekten)




Lepik, A. (Ed.): Small Scale, Big Change: New Architectures of Social Engagement

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York 2010, ISBN 9780870707841


Rühl, B. (Ed.): Gesund und ökologisch bauen: Baubiologische Aspekte bei Neubau und Sanierung

Blottner Verlag, Tanusstein 2010, ISBN 9783893671205


Schubert, J., Schütz, E., Streich, L. (Ed.): Something Fantastic

Ruby Press, Berlin 2010,  ISBN 978-3981343618




Dachverband Lehm e.V. (Ed.): Volhard, F., Röhlen, U. with contributions by Ziegert, C.: Lehmbau Regeln

Vieweg + Teubner, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3834801890


Minke, G., Ziegert, C.: Das Technische Merkblatt „Anforderungen an Lehmputze“ des Dachverband Lehm

in: Venzmer, H.: Europäischer Sanierungskalender 2009, Beuth Verlag, Berlin 2008. ISBN 978-3410168713




Meyer, F.: Wir müssen uns nicht neu erfinden

published in: Zenith, Edition 3/2009. P. 32–34


Maceacheran, Mike.: Castles made of sand

published in: etihadidflight – The magazine of Etihad Airways, Edition September 2009


Bartels, O.: Grabmal F.C. Gundlach in Hamburg

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 20.09. P. 22–23


Horta, M.: Feito à mão

published in: AU – Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Edition Maio 2009, P. 53–57


Meyer, F.: Fort Al Jahili in Al Ain

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 4.09. P. 26-29


Ochs, B.: Lange verkannt, nun wiederentdeckt

published in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Edition No. 27, 05.07.2009, P. V11


Tornow, S.: Feuer und Flamme

published in: Mikado – Unternehmermagazin für Holzbau und Ausbau, Edition 7.2009, P. 54–57




Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage/Moscas Production: Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain

view online: www.architekturclips.de


Klima Architektur, report on RBB, 2009


Roswag, E.: Umweltbewusstes Bauen

interview on Deutschlandradio Kultur des Deutschlandfunks, 27.03.2009, www.dradio.de


Schwarz, M.: Abu Dhabi besinnt sich auf seine Bautradition

report on Deutschlandradio Kultur, 12.01.2009




Peter Cachola Schmal, Michaela Busenkell (Ed.): Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2009/10

Prestel Verlag, Munich 2009, 
ISBN 978-3-7913-4367-9


Hegger, Manfred / Schäfer, Isabell.: Grüne Häuser: Einfamilienhäuser – Nachhaltig Ökologisch Energieeffizient

Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey GmbH & Co.KG, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-7667-1809-9


Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): Architektur Berlin 09: Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt

Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin 2009, 
ISBN 978-3938780886


Jodidio, P.: Green Architecture Now!

Taschen Verlag, Cologne 2009, ISBN 978-3836503723




Dachverband Lehm e.V. (Ed.): Minke, G., Ziegert, C.: Technische Merkblätter Lehmbau, Blatt 1: „Anforderungen an Lehmputze“

published by the Lehm, Weimar 2008


Eckermann, W., Röhlen, U., Ziegert, C.: Auswirkungen von Lehmbaustoffen auf das Raumklima

in: Venzmer, H.: Europäischer Sanierungskalender 2008, Beuth Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3410166399


Roswag, E. Zusammen Arbeit

in: Der Architekt, Edition 6/2008, p. 55-59




R.G.: Restaurant, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi

published in: The Architectural Review, Edition No. 1335, May 2008, P. 79


Ruge, K.: Im grünen Bereich

published in: Häuser, Edition 6/08, P. 64




Plassmann, F.: Ethik und Ethnik, 12th Berlin Conversation

view online: www.architekturclips.de




Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): Architektur Berlin 08

Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3938780718


von Borries, F., Böttger, M. (Ed.): Updating Germany: 100 Projekte für eine bessere Zukunft

Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3775722629


Feireiss, K., Feireiss, L. (Ed.): Architecture of Change: Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment

Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3899552638


Phaidon Press Ltd. (Ed.): The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture

Phaidon Press Limited, London/New York 2008, 
ISBN 9780714848747




Dierks, K., Ziegert, C.: Lehmbau

in: Dierks, K., Wormuth, R.: Baukonstruktion, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2007, ISBN 978-3804113749




Pawlitschko, R.: Analoges Bauen mit lokalen Ressourcen: METI-Schule in Rudrapur, Bangladesch

published in: Detail, Edition 4/2007, P. 304–309


Shim, B.: Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Crossing Borders

published in: a+u – Architecture and Urbanism, Edition 2007:12, P. 90-91




Aga Khan Award for Architecture/BBC: School in Rudrapur

view online: www.architekturclips.de


Schwarz, M.: Lehmhäuser

Beitrag im Deutschlandradio Kultur, 2007


Schwarz, M.: Eike Roswag – Preisgekrönter Lehmbauarchitekt

report on Deutschlandradio Kultur, 2007


Schwarz, M: Häuser in einem der ältesten Baustoffe der Welt

report on Deutschlandradio Kultur, 19.11.2007




Aga Khan Foundation (Ed.): Intervention Architecture: Building for Change

I.B. Tauris, New York 2007, ISBN 978-1845116736




Finch, P.: Emerging Architecture

published in: The Architectural Review, Edition No. 1318, December 2006, P. 38–43


Meyer, F.: Meti-Schule

published in: Bauwelt, Edition 32/06, P. 2




Architektenkammer Berlin (Ed.): Architektur Berlin 06

Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3938780046


Ziegert, C.: Erfahrungen beim Neubau und der Sanierung von Massivlehmbauten, in: Dachverband Lehm (Ed.): Lehm 2004

published by the Dachverband Lehm, Weimar 2004, ISBN 978-3000148644




The annual exhibition of the Architektenkammer Berlin presents 60 selected projects that contribute to today’s building culture and focus on sustainable aspects – designed in Berlin-based offices for architecture, urban planning, interior design, and landscape architecture. It will be on display from March 15 to April 12 at Living Berlin. Among the projects is our Kokoni One. The compact neighborhood around an orchard consists of 84 row houses built in circular timber construction and features an energy concept for the entire area. Café Leo by sophie & hans will also be on display. ZRS Ingenieure was responsible for structural engineering of the project. 

The exhibition opening will take place on March 14 at 7 pm with Andrea Gebhard, President of the Federal Chamber of German Architects and patron of the WIA25 festival, as well as Theresa Keilhacker, President of the Architektenkammer Berlin.

The exhibited projects will be published in the accompanying yearbook “Architektur Berlin | Building Berlin,” Vol. 14, which will be released at the opening of the exhibition.

More information and registration for the opening: www.ak-berlin.de

Foto: ZRS Architekten Ingenieure

participation with Jahili Fort, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi

30th October – 6th November, ETH Zürich Main Building


Exhibition of Norddeutschen Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen (NZNB), Verden
Participation with School handmade in Bangladesh and Habitat Initiative Cabo Delgado, Mosambik

16th January to 10th February 2017


Participation with New Life for a Peat Shed

24th February – 01st March 2016
Internationale Handwerksmesse, Halle B2, FOKUS.GESUND BAUEN


Travelling exhibition

Participation with Jahili Fort, Al Ain, Adu Dhabi (Laureate)

11st May – 18th June 2016, La Plateforme, Grenoble (F)
17th June – 18th September 2016, Archipel CDCU, Lyon (F)
8th September – 28th October 2016, Maison de l’architecture d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux (F)
27th September – 18th October 2016, INSA, Strasbourg (France)
19th October – 7th November 2016, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Strasbourg (F)
7th November – 30th November 2016, COP22 event, Marrakech (MA)


Contribution with New Life for a Peat Shed

from 30th January to 8th May 2016, Exhibition Opening on 29th January 2016, 7.00 pm.

German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt am Main


Annual exhibition at the Chamber of Architects Berlin
Participation with Town House Lübsche Straße, Wismar

from 11th March to 08th April 2017 at stilwerk, Berlin
Exhibition opening on 10th March 2015 at 8.00 pm


July 2010 in Assilah, Morocco

Client: Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH)

The exhibition follows a narrative starting from basic material properties and construction to historic and modern earthen buildings. Special focus is placed on the building traditions in the oasis town of Al Ain and possible new buildings in this tradition. The final section explores the sustainability benefits of earthen building materials.

More information on the project



In recent years bamboo has quickly gained a prominent position as key resource in the pursuing of a global, post-fossil fuel society. BAMBUSWELTEN explores the potential of this plant and of its derivatives, thus offering an open platform for meeting up and discussing social changes.

More information on the project


Participation with New Life for a Peat Shed

Viewing on 25th and 26th June 2016 between 1.00 – 5.00 pm


The annual exhibition of the Architektenkammer Berlin shows 60 selected projects that contribute to today’s building culture and focus on sustainable aspects – designed in Berlin offices for architecture, urban planning, interior and landscape architecture. It can be seen from 16 March to 13 April at Living Berlin. Our project Woof & Skelle: Building Ensemble for Social Housing and Kindergarten in Bremen is also on show.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 15 March at 7 pm with the Senate Building Director and State Secretary for Urban Development, Prof. Petra Kahlfeldt, and the President of the Architektenkammer Berlin, Theresa Keilhacker.

The exhibited projects will be published in the accompanying yearbook “Architektur Berlin | Building Berlin”, Vol. 13, which will be published at the opening of the exhibition.

More information and registration for the opening: www.ak-berlin.de

Photos: © Caspar Sessler


Aedes Archiecture Forum shows 16 timber buildings of different typologies in its exhibition “Wood’s Up!”. Local structures, alternative financing models and ecological aspects took an important role in the selection of the international projects from various architectural offices. One of the exhibited projects is our Holz Ziegel Lehm | Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin, realised together with Bruno Fioretti Marquez. The research and construction project of Berlin-based housing association “Stadt und Land” demonstrates the potential of sustainable construction in public rental housing.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 5 April at 6:30 pm with the president of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBSR) Petra Wesseler and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Bauwelt Jan Friedrich.

More information: aedes-arc.de


16th–21st January 2017

Foyer, ground floor ICM – Internationales Congress Center München

Latest results were exhibited at the DETAIL Research Lab at BAU Munich.
The samples are part of a curated exhibition that presents future-oriented prototypes, material samples and products of established manufacturers and processing companies. In addition, universities, research institutes but also research projects show innovative developments with regards to the construction of buildings.  The exhibition shows how research can be put into practice.

More information on the project


25th June 2016, 14–20 pm

Exhibtion as part of the symposium “Die Nachwachsende Stadt” while the Open Architecture Offices

More information on the project



Jahili Fort Al Ain, Abu Dhabi | Permanent exhibition

Completion: 12/2008
Client: Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH)
Kurator: Barker Langham, London, UK
Exhibition Design, Graphic Design: Roswag & Jankowski Architekten in collaboration with Christiane Liebert
Lighting Design: studio dinnebier, Berlin

The permanent exhibition contains a collection of photographs by the explorer Wilfred Thesiger, who crossed the Empty Quarter of the Arabian desert several times with Bedouins in the 1940s, documenting his travels with a small format Leica camera. The photographs depict life. The photographs are a black and white selection from the Thesiger Collection des Pitt Rivers Museum. Floor to ceiling screen-printed lighting elements made of Corian divide the exhibition spaces into four sections and form part of the spatial concept.


Participation with New Life for a Peat Shed

from 15th May to 4th December 2016, Viserum Art Museum, Sweden
18th–20th November 2016, during a conference and exhibition of IO Casa, Riva del Garda, Italy