Topping-out ceremony | Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin
On March 5th, the topping-out ceremony for our project Holz Ziegel Lehm | Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin was celebrated, for which we are working together with Bruno Fioretti Marquez and STADT UND LAND Wohnbauten-Gesellschaft. Among the attendants were numerous stakeholders from planning, construction and research, as well as the Secretary of State for Construction from the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building, and Housing, Alexander Slotty, and Ute Bonde, the Senator for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment. She thanked all those involved for implementing this “prime example of innovative construction.” Martin Hikel, the district mayor of Neukölln, emphasized how important it was for the district to enable this housing project and gain insights that can also be applied to other projects. This is also the goal of the Stadt und Land, as Dr. Christoph Landerer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, explained. The planners’ thanks went particularly to the clients, without whom such a living lab would not have been possible, as Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge ((ZRS und TU Berlin) pointed out. Prof. Piero Bruno (Bruno Fioretti Marquez and Universität Stuttgart) focused on the reduction of this housing project and the intelligence of the building materials.
After the ceremonial raising of the topping-out wreath, the traditional blessing, and with the shell construction of the wood (“Holz”) and brick (“Ziegel”) construction almost completed, earth (“Lehm”) will be installed in the interior construction.
Photos 1–4: STADT UND LAND/ Christian Kruppa
Photo 5: ZRS Architekten Ingenieure