Opening | EDEKA Future Market Nauen

The grand opening of the EDEKA Future Market in Nauen took place on 28 August. The store opened its doors the following day for customers. The prototype implements forward-looking, sustainable and resource-optimised concepts: The central element of the timber construction is the hall structure with timber columns and timber trusses made of beech, which remains visible to the users. Solar carports and a photovoltaic system on the roof with battery storage provide electricity, rainwater is used for the sanitary facilities, among other things, and intelligent building automation for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and shading ensures pleasant indoor conditions. While the market is already in use, the outdoor facilities with an orchard and educational ecology trail are now being finalised. 

Photos: Thomas Meinicke/EDEKA Minden-Hannover; ZRS Architekten Ingenieure

Posted on: 30. August 2024