ZRS at LEHM 2024

ZRS was represented at the 9th International Conference on Building with Earth, LEHM 2024, with several presentations. Together with Nico Santuario from Michelgroup, Benedikt Füger (ZRS) presented the Weleda Logistics Centre in Schwäbisch-Gmünd – currently Germany’s largest rammed earth building. Andrea Klinge (ZRS) and Julian Mönig (NBL) gave a presentation on the upMIN100 research project, which focuses on the upcycling of mineral construction and demolition debris as a substitute for natural aggregates in earth building materials. The first day ended with the awarding of the DVL Earth Building Award for Young Academics, which Michelle Härder (ZRS) received for her master’s thesis at the Technical University of Munich in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). The topic of the thesis was the moisture behaviour of earth masonry under natural climatic conditions. The second day began with a presentation on the associated research work. It was one of the foundations for the development of DIN 18940 for load-bearing earth block masonry, which Christof Ziegert (ZRS) and Johanna Baier (BAM) then presented. Jasmine Alia Blaschek and Christof Ziegert (both ZRS) also gave a presentation on the Emergency Conservation of the White Temple in Uruk, southern Iraq, and finally there was a lecture on the identification and classification of historical earth building components for reuse, which ZRS also contributed to. 

The conference is organised by the Dachverband Lehm e.V. every four years. This year it took place at the end of September in Weimar. 

More information: lehm2024.dachverband-lehm.de

Photo: Weleda Logistics Cradle Campus, ZRS Ingenieure

Posted on: 30. September 2024