RBB24 Abendschau | “Climate 2050” in Berlin: How clay is becoming the air conditioning of the future in residential buildings
Julian Mönig from the Natural Building Lab at TU Berlin explains the advantages of clay plaster in interiors in the rbb24 Abendschau (23/10/2023) using the Holz Ziegel Lehm | Pilot Project Sustainable Housing Berlin, in which two apartment blocks with clay plaster are being built in Britz-Süd. The research project of the Technical University of Berlin in collaboration with ARGE ZRS Architekten and Bruno Fioretti Marquez as well as the Technical University of Braunschweig and the University of Stuttgart on sustainable housing construction is investigating robust, circular and low-tech construction methods for affordable rental housing using the example of wood-clay and brick-wood buildings. Various historically proven low-tech strategies were identified and tested in simulations.
Programme by Maren Schibilsky | rbb24 Abendschau | 23.10.2023
Visualisation: Arge ZRS Architekten GvA mbH und Bruno Fioretti Marquez GmbH